Posted by: farzin | March 20, 2007

“300” a Racist, and Revisionist Movie


OK! So let’s say a handful of people visit my blog. Still, if I can present something here that sets even a single person straight about an item of importance, I am well justified for indulging in posting my personal views on any specific subject. It is my blog afterall…:-). THAT is the only smile you will get out of me for the rest of this post, because this is a serious subject. When the movie “300” reared its ugly head I felt insulted in ways the likes of which I had not experienced–ever. Hollywood is now doing to Iranians–Persians–what they did for decades to Native Americans, and Zack Snyder manages to use the familiar “Black & White–African & Not” cliche’ to deliver a multiple whammy that insults about everyone except white six-pack endowed Spartan beefcakes!

Usually, I post a photo somehow related to the subject I post about. This time I could not find a single one that did not invade all of my better senses. This time words have to suffice. Below is a copy of a letter I wrote someone who was about to go and see the movie “300”–and likely did anyway; by the classic justification that this thing is an “Art Piece” (hmm..maybe it was simply the abundant beefcake) and maybe how dare I take it “so seriously”. Well…I know of nothing more serious in life than Art, Love and Politics.

Since my un-named friend was probably busy shopping for shoes , I decided to post the pertienent portions of my own words here for the millions who read my blog…;-) [A wink does not a smile make!]:

“…This time I specifically want to tell you what I think about the abomination of an ani-movie titled “300”. Honestly, there are rumors going around that the release of this thing is timed well enough to paint a pretty picture of any upcoming invasion of Iran–the direct people of which are still greatly considered Persians. I can only hope I can laugh at such speculation, but I must say after learning what this movie is about I am not so sure these speculations are so far off the mark!!!

The best I can offer in tolerance of this pile of dog doo is that if you must see it, consider it 99% fiction and historically worthless.

It used to be that as an Iranian-American one had to suffer the foolish ignorance of occasional TV educated FOX News watching morons who have the attention span of a fruitfly and whose view of history is what they recall was had for breakfast that day. So, if I had to be cornered in a darkened alley, I would have to reply “I am Persian” when asked where the heck I was from–originally. No more! Being “Persian” is evidently just as bad for my health, if you define who I am by the demeanor of my fellow Persians as depicted in “300”.

It is easy to take pride in a civilization that has been around before Babylonians had invented any letters to even write down the word Babylon. But, it takes a simple, easy to swallow lie, to reduce the competing interests of the Greek and Persian rivalry in that ancient time to a battle between “Democracy” and “Demonic Tyranny”–and not just simple tyranny I mind you; “300”‘s Persians are demons, miscreants, and non-humans. Even their animals–supposedly elephants and rhinos–look like creatures from hell and Saron’s monsters from the Lord of the Ring!

Not that any “king” was ever but a tyrant and a despot in the end. But, all wars in human history were–and are–fought by men; and sometimes women–who but for subtleties of skin tone, height, choice of weapon, fashion, and language, spill each other’s very red blood of the same crimson shade. “300” is right down racist! The Persian messenger sent to ask for the Sparta’s submission–as was customary before wasting soldiers and resources–is black; as dark as any African can be. By making him Persian, but looking African Black, and then kicking his apparently worthless presence in a really large open well–I am sure–designed specifically for such lovely ethnic cleansing occasion–Zack Snyder manages to hate Africans and Persians in a single swift karate kick delivered by no less than the king Leonidas himself! The rest of Persians look pretty dark looking as well!!

Amazingly, scientists categorize Persians racially as white and Aryan, which as a fact, in and of itself, to me shows the aburdity of how fervently some white supremacists hate Iranians and the like origins so passionately!!–Still “300” chooses to paint all Persians dark, because it is easy, racist, stereotypical to love hating the black, brown and all the dark skin tones in between–while–surprise!!–all the Spartan beef cakes are white as snow, and buff like Superman. Thus Snyder and Miller insult Africans and Persians both while intentionally ignoring simple scientific facts! This sort of selective, but purposeful fabrication enters into other creative aspects of “300”. The real Spartans who were known to wear real heavy armor–are clad in Chippendale dancing shorts to better show off those six packs and pectorals! Further, while even Herodotus reports number of Persians not to have been more than 50,000 to 200,000–which is still a huge mismatch with a mere 300–Zack Snyder advertises the movie version as 1 Million–that is 1,000,000 to 300…:-)…O.K…now Zack is making real history!!! (The 700 additional Thespians would mess up the simple title. So would other accounts of the force having been over 4000 soldiers. I mean “300 + 700” would not be as quite a sexy of a title for a comic book, or a movie!!)

Here is a genealogy of this movie: Herodotus, a Greek historian, wrote the original account of the battle of Thermopylae (The Hot Gates) according to what he himself had heard. [For a more accurate view of that history see Xenophon and his Cryopaedia ] But, at least Herodotus–being Greek–was a soldier in the Greek navy also at the time in the mid 200s BCE. Then comes Frank Miller and his bastardized version–with Xerxes having a bald head, mannerisms of a woman, and more piercings on his body that a flock of chickens skewered on a rotisserie. Likings of the real Xerxes exist prominently. Why else would Miller not use these, but for demonizing the “other”? Miller’s Xerxes is also a self-claimed “God”–which is totally false. The Greeks had a habit of considering their own rulers at times divine. But Persians had kings–flesh and blood and nothing more than “King of Kings” was required for these men to demand the respect they needed to command their empire. (Stretching from India to include Egypt, all of today’s Middle-East [] and Anatolia in Europe, and as far north as toady’s Russia)

I will stop here. I will spare you and myself from going further. I think my words here paint an adequate picture. Again, please enjoy the movie–if this blood fest can be enjoyed somehow–but know and enjoy it for the fantasy that it is.”


  1. This is a war movie…they like to embody people with hate..war…violence..propaganda…and i am Greek…i am proud for Leonidas but lots of fake history here..persians where not monsters…and something else..has anyone wondered why no movies for Olympics..Plato or Aristotle teachings but always war movies like Alexander, Troy or 300? War and violence sells and they want to keep the people under this control of violence because is easier to handle them

  2. I have not seen the movie as yet, but this is what I have gathered from reading various atticles. The movie is classified as hidden racism, it’s againts Black, Persian/All of middle east, and homosexuals in a nut shell. Wow.

  3. I agree totally with you, Im not at all surprised at the demoralization of non-whites. Being an African American I actual expect or Im not all shocked at the racist images depicted in this crappy movie. The only good thing the film has t offer is the fact at least they acknowledge the existence of black people during these times. I often here from racists whites there where no blacks in North Africa let alone the “Middle East” during the ancient times. Or Egyptians where white, unfortunately the one time they show blacks, they kill us, the 1st murder in the film was that of a Blackman. What we as original people (blacks, browns and yellows) must do is unite as one; the powers that be see us as one group of dark skinned savage idiots.

  4. I too am outraged by this abomination of a simplistic, mediocore gore-fest that seemingly lacks a boundry towards the malpractice of pursuing a real course of history rather than a hooded-up Hollywood dramatisation which exploits the differentials of race to create an easily digestable movie.
    What outrages me more is the timing in which this film has come out which seems far too much of a coincidence; at a time when America and Britain search for a huge manner of methods to ignite the conflict with Iran and to gain a war they desire more than most. The release of this film draws similarities to the release of Rocky 4 during the 1985-90 period of the cold war, which starred an opponent from Russia against the all american Rocky Balbloa – history almost repeats itself.

  5. It’s called “Ethocentrism” dude.

  6. Actually, It’s not. It’s called “ethnocentrism.”

  7. The movie talks about 100 nations from Asia.

    And what do these asians look like

    1)Japanese warriors who look like undead creatures with long nails like witches
    2)An African who gets his head chopped off
    3)A fat guy who looks like a pig and has axes instead of arms.
    4)A ten feet tall guy who looks like a Homosexual and wants to make everyone his slave.

    When are we going to see a movie about 300 vietcongs killing 10,000 white american “pigs” ?

  8. Get over yourselfs, first off go see the movie then complain and next for those complaining, your all crazy! Its an action movie, not a friggan iran bashing movie! anyone that sits there and can acctully put togeather that iran was once persia one hundered million years ago is smart enough to realsie that they have little to do with what iran does now!! i mean come on, first iran is plain nuts for trying to keep weapons from the United Nations and Just like jesus isnt real this movie isnt fact, becasue if it was then the 300 spartans in the movie would have cained 5 ‘billion’ crappy persians!!! instead of getting killed HAHA!!! take that!

  9. Kris When did Iran keep weapons from the UN I thought the beef was over them building a nuclear power plant that could be used to enrich uranium. Your veiw of 300 is obviously biased. I thought the movie was a comic book version of history full of falsehoods about spartens. All of the bad guys in the movie were dark skinned and from that part of the world this country considers backwards and “terrorist affliated”. It seemed like an indirect call to war or atleast an expoitation of prejudices this country holds.

  10. i like this article. here is a video i posted on youtube that deconstructs the messages in 300 by comparing it to some of the films you mention.

    • Craig,

      I am the author of this blog, which I abandoned a few years ago–
      I came here tonight to pay it a visit and saw your post–amazing; this is now over 4 years old, and I know I am complimenting you a bit late. But …great work Craig.

      I started this blog when I was starting to study for the California State Bar back in 2006….I posted about the movie “300” as an odd answer to a need to write about it….Today, I am done with six years in practicing law…unrelated, but for the fact that I do believe we should and do–if we purposefully mean to–grow as human beings every day.

      I hop you do get this reply, which is now more like a “message in a bottle” –I hope your talents are put to great use.


  11. RPM2008- What an awesome video! Congratulations!

    I hope there is an award for this sort of work. Thank God for the public forums.

    The finer points will be lost on the many an idiot, but hey–you put the message out and not worry about the reception.

  12. 300 idiots thought this was a good script! and americans should think if north africans are considered white then how come west africans and east africans think black americans are mostly native american because of being in north america for so long? ih Rome was the first empire to unvade eypgt why is therestill dark people 3000 years later

  13. You are absolutely POSITIVELY right. 😦 I saw the subliminal bullshit programmed into this movie from fifty miles away, just from seeing the commercials. Yes, it was artistically beautiful, yes, the story could be seen as inspiring (If you are a redneck employed under Blackwater, stationed in Iraq, and you have momentarily lost the overwhelming urge to abuse a native bystander).

    Of course, my boyfriend loved it, and wanted me to see it, while I wanted nothing to do with it. He insisted I’d love it, please, please could we watch it?

    So we watched it.

    I hate it even more, now. xD Very nearly as bad as watching a scene from ‘Birth of a Nation’. Just much more cleverly disguised (from the mainstream thinkers, anyway).

  14. “It is easy to take pride in a civilization that has been around before Babylonians had invented any letters to even write down the word Babylon.”

    I hope you know that it was the Mesopotamian Sumer Empire that first invented a system for writing (“Cuneiform) which passed on to the following Mesopotamian (Iraq) Akkadian, Assyrian and Babylonian Empires long before any Persian Empire existed. After the Persians invaded Mesopotamia (which they did numerous times) they adopted the Cuneiform which can be seen in Persepolis! So your statement is simply wrong.

  15. Jesus, why is everyone so eager to play the racist card? who cares its just a movie. Everyone has their own opinions plus this movie was based too long ago to even compare to todays civilization. the movie maybe fictional, but the battle was based on a true event. It was just exaggerated. Everyone is assuming only whites are capable of racism, but in truth its everyone but white people.

    • I think that its usually the brown races and the Semites who are the first to play the race card.We(white ang-sax) are afraid to. We take a chance of being branded with the racist or anti semite label. Which ultimately leads to job loss(if you can get one tanx to affirm action and quota laws) Look at the recent Sotomayor mess. The best man should get the job.PERIOD. Green, nazi,black, left leaning..whatevr your color or leanings)
      Freedom of speech is gone.
      Much research has been done on the holocaust, but keep your findings to yourself if you care about your life. You may be arrested or worse yet, have yur home firebombed.(Zundel,Otto Remer, Prf Faurisson, DAvid Cole)
      Of course the Persians(Iran-source of Aryan) were intelligent, civilized people.

  16. Hey, Anonymouse @ 4/23/09:

    Maybe you need to be asking why this crappy movie’s scriptwriters feel the need to play to the most base, crude, knee jerk reactions of brainwashed tools (you know, like YOU)?

    I love how you defend this neocon wet dream without having the intelligence to actually REFUTE the criticisms of this piss poor piece of propaganda, whose sole purpose is to train brain dead White Americans to dehumanize anyone who is different from them and to be good little puppet toy soldiers for the Industrial Military Complex..

    Stay classy, Anonymous @ 4:09. Peace to all those who seek it, and NONE to those who use schlocky propaganda to subvert it.

  17. What I’m saying, which you’re not comprehending, supersecretsqurrel, is who gives a shit about if its racist or not. I’m not defending anyone, I’m just simply stating only the weak minded and low class individuals seek racism in a movie. And actually cares about it. racism will never die. so get over it. I completely understand your point. I , for one, don’t give a rat’s ass about a movie and what it stands for. It doesn’t upset me. I never liked the movie. So therefore I don’t watch it. simple as that. People need to loose the uptight conceited liberal point of view. Everything is propaganda to another and can’t say anything that doesnt offend another. America isn’t free anymore and americans did it to themselves. mostly non-whites. But think what you want. I don’t care for the most part. Its a stupid movie about a greek army conquering other countries….big deal.

  18. I’m pretty sure the movie goes like this:
    Stuff happens -> (movie begins) one eyed guy embellishes story -> tells it to young hoplites -> 20 seconds of Spartans pushing surviving opponents over a cliff -> End

    In ancient times pride was used to keep soldiers from falling apart, and a good way to build pride was to tell a tall tale, especially one with at least 1% truth.

    I like to think that this movie is just based of of one of those tall tales.

    Also, what was with Xerxes? That was strange and unnecessary. Also, as far as the Spartans were concerned
    300 Spartans + 3000 other Greeks
    300 Spartans + nobody worth mentioning.

  19. Oh give me a break. Those scum are an inferior race. They are presented justly. The attempt to make aberrant abominations out of them actually made them look prettier than they really are. Damn gypsies… they should all be shot!

  20. only a person who has Persian ancestry will understand the pain which the movie 300 inflicted upon us by showing explicit racism and prejudice. We Persians/Iranians are and were not monster. This has to be the stuppidest movie made in many years.

    FUCK YOU Zack Snyder!!!

    If America will keep making shit like this there will never be peace with the middle east!!!

  21. Its not American whites so much as the Jewish owned press, The mndless Shabbaz goy evangelists. If American whites are told the truth, they usually side with the underdog. We have been misled. 9-11..dont get me started. Good thing for Israel though

  22. This movie is pure fiction, if you look to things like this and find oppression you should kill yourself now. The rest of your excessively sesitive life will be far too difficult for you to handle.

  23. I agree it’s racist. anyone who says it’s not is, well, a racist 🙂

  24. I agree it’s racist. Anyone who says it’s not is, well, a racist (anonymouse @ 4/23/09)

  25. Everyone is crying racism while this film is actually based on a story told by the spartan soldier. With this in mind, he retold the story depicting the enemy as in-human and the like. He just told it from his perspective to sensationalize the story to his fellow Greeks/Spartans.

  26. I am an American born hispanic American of Mexican/German descent but I’m first and foremost an American, and patriot because as a former soldier for the US I’ve seen much of the world, and although we are not perfect its still the best place to live. The US! Yeah, I know Hollywood is full of terrible stereotypes, and as a hispanic I’ve seen pretty stupid stuff like Wild Bunch and Magnificent Seven where just a few Anglo’s take on seemingly endless Mexicans who can’t shoot straight when if you read History; General Pershings troops got their asses handed to them every time they caught up with Villa because they weren’t Guerrillla fighters and Villa’s troops were, But ANYWAY, I finally realized that Hollywood is just for entertainment and this country is founded on freedom, so my advice is if you want to see a good “Persian” depictment of 300, make one yourself, but I doubt with the attrocities that Iran and Iraq and most MidEastern Countries have commited against American troops over the last few decades is going to wash away anytime soon so your movie will probably make no money here, so maybe you can produce one in Iran, that’s if they even let you make a movie that doesn’t make some Mullah the Hero.

  27. The main question here shud be – why are persians shown to be BLACK here?? While in the movie Prince of Persia, you see that Persians are white. Persians are and always were Caucasian.

    It is obvious here, that Hollywood prefer to portray blacks as the bad guys

  28. I just watched 300 for the first time on TV a couple of nights ago. I had heard about the movie as either good or boring. I never heard anyone mention the obvious racial, and racist stereotypes portrayed in the movie. I was shocked as I watched it, and to me it is one of the most obvious and remarkable aspects of the movie: that it insults blacks, Persians , and Muslims. Did Karl Rove produce this movie? (rim shot) As an educated person, I am aware that Persians are caucasian, and even the name Iran is derived from Aryan. what is the purpose of making the Persians look like black Africans? Because they want to connect the “bad guys” with an accepted stereotype. Racist. And, why did they make the Persian soldiers look like Muslim warriors with Arabic looking garb? This was 2,500 years before Christ, Islam would not be a factor in history for almost 3,000 yeas. The Persian culture was more simillar to Greek culture. Why this anachronistic comparison? Ethnic/racial stereotyping. Racist.

  29. I am very surprised to see such overt racism prevails in every each details through the movie from the first second to the last. I have seen many movies with racist implications or some overt racism but have never felt so bad. I am not saying I dont feel discomfort about racist cliche but I did not take it seriously. On the other hand in this movie, I feel so bad and got angry about the producers and even the casting.

  30. @Phillip

    It’s always entertaining to see house mulattos like yourself shill for empire. Too bad you didn’t get killed in Iraq or Afghanistan so while you’re alive, dance a little more for us, you mexican monkey. LOL 🙂

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